Niwot Community Association’s 2021 Clean Up Day!

The Niwot Clean Up Day is one of our favorite NCA community services. It affords our members an opportunity to reduce waste and recycle hard to discard items from around the house. The annual event that typically occurs in May of each year has not been held for over a year, due to the pandemic. This year we were especially grateful to be able to offer Niwot Clean Up Day!

Below are some pictures.  Soon we’ll post statistics regarding trash, yard waste, recycling, and landfill diversion.

A special thanks to the many volunteers that we had that made the event possible.

131 Total visits (2021)

  • 1-visit    114
  • 2-visits  13
  • 3-visits  3
  • 5-visits  1
  • 424 – Membership as of 9/18/2021
  • 30.9% Participation


Updated: 22 September, 2021 — 8:54 am