July 7th NCA Board Meeting

Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2021, at 7 PM will continue to be virtual, as we are still unable to meet a the  Mountain View Fire Rescue Station #4 in Niwot. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret […]

June 2 NCA Board Meeting

  Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2021, at 7 PM. As we continue to observe Boulder County’s COVID-19 safety measures, our meeting will be virtual. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret the inconvenience. As always, you may […]

May 5, 2021 Board Meeting

Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2021, at 7 PM. As we continue to observe Boulder County’s COVID-19 safety measures, our meeting will be virtual. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret the inconvenience. As always, you may submit […]

NCA 2021 Annual Meeting

This year’s annual meeting was live streamed on the NCA YouTube channel.  A recording of the meeting can be viewed here:  https://youtu.be/-3rzoYntWu4 The Powerpoint presentation can be downloaded by this link: NCA 2021 Annual Meeting FINAL   Election results Each NCA board position is a two year term and are split so that half are […]

April 7, 2021 NCA Board Meeting

Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for April 7, 2021, at 7 PM. As we continue to observe Boulder County’s COVID-19 safety measures, our meeting will be virtual. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret the inconvenience. As always, you may submit […]

March 3, 2021, NCA Board Meeting

Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2021, at 7 PM. As we continue to observe Boulder County’s COVID-19 safety measures, our meeting will be virtual. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret the inconvenience. As always, you may submit […]

Community Input Requested For Proposed Updates To Smoke-Free Code In Unincorporated Boulder County

The information below is being forwarded on behalf of Boulder County Public Health. Join us on Monday, February 22 from 6-7pm. Zoom information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83250273312?pwd=OWZGQlVZeXp4SEZaN3hKZnFSTDhEUT09 – Meeting ID: 832 5027 3312 – Passcode: 979734 Boulder County Public Health’s Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership (TEPP) program requests the input of business owners and community members of Niwot […]

February 3, 2021, NCA Board Meeting

Our NCA Board meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2021, at 7 PM. As we continue to observe Boulder County’s COVID-19 safety measures, our meeting will be virtual. Members will not be able to attend due to technology limitations which prevent us from including you virtually. We regret the inconvenience. As always, you may submit […]