2021 Fourth of July Motorcade

2021 Grand Marshal, Chuck Klueber with his wife, Linda enjoying a well deserved spotlight!

This year’s 4th Of July celebration was a big success. We brought the parade through the town on Second Avenue and to many of our neighborhoods in Niwot, via a motorcade. We honored Chuck Klueber this year, as our grand marshal for all of his contributions to our community. People from Niwot, and well beyond, lined the streets of our town to cheer him on. We had a great showing at the morning pancake breakfast hosted by Bert Steele of Niwot Market. The inaugural Niwot Mile Run was well attended and NCA Area (1, 2, 4, 5, & 7) ice cream socials sprinkled throughout Niwot were a big hit.

None of these family friendly and fun events would be possible without the coordinated effort of our motocade participants, Chuck Klueber, the Boulder County Sherriff’s Office, Bert Steele, Niwot Cookie Moms, and our wonderful community! Take a peek at the photos and see if you spot yourself among the crowd.

Fourth of July 2021 Video

Fourth of July 2021 Photo Galary

The Annual Niwot Pancake Breakfast, Hosted by Bert Steele and Niwot Market


Parade Organizer, and NCA Vice President, Julie Breyer, with Chuck Kleuber, the NCA’s 2021, 4th of July Grand Marshal and his wife, Linda.




















NCA Area Rep., John Barto hosted the Area 5 Ice Cream Social

NCA President, Dave Limbach and his wife Emily hosted the Area 2 Ice Cream Social










Updated: 8 July, 2021 — 7:27 am