Subdivision Road Paving 2016 Tax Initiative Survey


The Boulder County Commissioners are considering creating a ballot issue for this November Election to address the problem of deteriorating subdivision roads. This ballot issue is different from prior efforts in that it involves both Unincorporated as well as Metropolitan streets and roads.  When all property owners (unincorporated and metropolitan) are taxed, the cost to individual taxpayers becomes greatly reduced and more reasonable.

Questions can be sent to:


Notes from Boulder County Transportation

This analysis is based on the updated 2015 Pavement Quality survey and our recent cost experience over the past two years. Key assumptions used in the analysis include:

  • 2016 cost to reconstruct poor roads: $450,000/mile
  • 2016 cost to mill/overlay fair roads: $300,000/mile
  • 2016 cost to overlay good roads: $225,000/mile
  • No increased staff is assumed, however depending on timing and other demand, one additional Engineering Tech may be required.
  • Some concrete/gutter and sidewalk work will be required to address drainage and ADA requirements.
  • Cost inflation: 5% annually


  • Assessed property value (and therefore revenue) annual increase of 1.5%, assessed every other year.

Clearly, if any, of these assumptions change, our estimate of time and cost to complete the work would change accordingly.

The total cost of each scenario is relatively close, and within the range of uncertainty. However the more quickly roads can be addressed, more people would see benefits of their investments more quickly, and maintenance costs would be less than otherwise.