April 16, 2014 @ 7pm
Lefthand Grange
195 Second Ave, Niwot, CO 80544
The annual meeting of the Niwot Community Association is coming up and all members are cordially invited. At the annual meeting we will review the accomplishments and issues from last year, and then we preview our goals for the upcoming year.
We hope you are able to attend. NCA members can send their vote using this proxy form if you aren’t able to attend: 2014 NCA Annual Ballot
The tentative agenda for the meeting is:
- Welcome/Membership Drive Remarks
- New Web Page (niwot.org) and quarterly updates
- Election of NCA Board Members
- Updated NCA By Laws and Expanded Membership Area
- Three new Area Reps needed: Areas 6, 7, & 8 (map below)
- Current Status Subdivision Paving LID
- Renewed effort in Coordination with BC Land use and Planning
- Calendar of events
- Clean Up Day
- 4th of July Celebration
- The Importance of Becoming a Volunteer
- Question/Answers
- Adjourn
NCA Service Areas Map: